About Lark Pilates classes


Hello hello! I’m Johanna Dollerson and I run Lark Pilates — friendly and upbeat classes in Dorset and online. The goal is building good core, good community, and hopefully having a good laugh along the way.

I keep class numbers small to ensure all participants receive the best attention and feedback. I trained in London with the Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute (APPI) and I’ve been practicing Pilates for more than ten years. I’ve completed additional training with the APPI for antenatal and postnatal Pilates, shoulder rehab, and Pilates for osteoporosis.

The APPI method is widely used by the NHS for rehabilitation, in elite sport to build athletes’ strength and endurance, and by many professional dance companies, including the English National Ballet.

APPI is founded on Joseph Pilates’ original exercises and updated with the latest research in physiotherapy. Teaching is safe and highly effective. As well as helping build strength and fitness, APPI Pilates can help with injury prevention and management.


about johanna

Portrait photo of Johanna

My goal is to inspire people to weave empowering exercise into their day-to-day lives, with tangible results, in stronger bodies and calmer minds.

I aim to consistently connect movement with health, and health with our home — this beautiful planet. Small action by small action, I am committed to working for the restoration of both, building a super friendly community of like-minded Larks along the way.

Pilates is a form of movement re-education, helping people power up their daily adventures in the great outdoors, whether walking the dog, hill-running in the Highlands, or sailing off the south coast.

I teach the APPI Pilates method, using Joe Pilates’ revolutionary exercises, updated with the latest research in physiotherapy, to help clients build core strength, greater flexibility, improved balance and posture, plus increased muscle strength and tone.

Lavender farming, off-road running, botanical illustration, wonder-ing beside the sea, and losing myself in books are regular relaxation features at Lark HQ.


planet & people

- At Lark we’re always chatting about the brilliance of our planet, and what more can be done towards its restoration and good health…which leads to ours too.
- Marketing materials are produced to the highest environmental standards, mainly at the brilliant St Austell Printing Company.
- Lark was car-less…! For its first 18 months all Pilates business was undertaken on foot, public transport, or in hybrid or electric vehicles through a car club. As business has expanded into new and remote areas, wheels have proved necessary. Lark is now powered by a low emission hybrid.





‘I love the class — it has the happiest and most relaxed atmosphere of any I’ve been to!’

'I first signed up to Johanna's Pilates class when I was training for a marathon — it really helped with my overall strength and fitness and I would definitely recommend it for other runners.’

‘As an absolute Pilates novice I have been delighted with the Lark classes. Johanna is very enthusiastic and encouraging. The small class size means she can take the time to ensure that everyone is on track. I am really enjoying the class and could not recommend it highly enough!’

‘I started as a total beginner but already feel like I have learnt so much from Johanna's classes. She is a natural teacher and in addition to making the classes varied, interesting and fun, she patiently explains everything and ensures each pupil is getting the most out of the class. I look forward to my weekly session and wish that I had the time to do more as I feel I could learn a lot from her teaching. I would highly recommend the classes.’

‘Johanna is a great teacher, very thorough in her explanation of the moves as well as very friendly, instantly putting you at ease. The classes are a perfect size, small enough that you are given some individual attention when required. Pilates is great — it has helped with my aches and pains as well as with balance issues. I  highly recommend it!’

‘I was the archetypal unfit old bloke and yet Johanna somehow still managed to make me enthused about exercising. She’s an outstanding teacher, who makes Pilates approachable and fun. Since beginning classes at Lark a few months ago I have built real core strength and muscle tone, and improved my posture. Absolutely, definitely, give it a go.’

‘I admire Johanna's enthusiasm, commitment and gentle yet effective approach. I love the continuing challenge and my own personal progress. Perfect Pilates!’

‘A friend recommended Lark Pilates to me and I am so glad she did. Johanna is super welcoming; the classes are small and friendly (which means you can ask questions mid-move) and I love the way she teaches.’

‘I would highly recommend Johanna for Pilates. I have been to a few other classes before and never been looked after the way that Johanna does. I feel the classes are definitely well-tailored to those who attend and very easy to follow. Johanna consistently walks around to check that you are in the right position and if you could not do one of the exercises she had an alternative way of doing this.’

‘I was new to Pilates. Johanna's description of the moves and how they should feel really helped, as did her one-to-one attention. I've really enjoyed working with Johanna and would recommend her without hesitation.’